Marketing Copywriter Specialist (Contractor Position)
Project by Project Hiring.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a "Marketing Copywriter Specialist" at Billy Gene Is A.I. & X.R. Marketing. In order to move forward in the interview process we will need the following questions answered.

Note: We kindly ask not to continue if you don't have experience writing to sell products or services.

Thank you!
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First name: *
Last name: *
Email: *
Phone number: *
How long have you been a copywriter? *
What type of copywriting do you specialize in? *
Select all that apply.
How many viewers have seen your writing? *
How much revenue has your copywriting produced? *
Our style of writing is conversational.
Write a 1 to 2 sentence headline that sells a "business in a box" starter pack to people who want to leave their 9 to 5 job. *
You can decide what the offer and incentive is.
Write a 4 to 6 sentence email selling a beginner "Social Media Marketing A.I. course" to a business owner (include a subject line). *
You can decide what the offer and incentive is.
Paste a link to a piece of copywriting content you're most proud of. *
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